Welcome to Hohm, an Interior Design Studio, to my sliver of the universe where…Eclectic Interiors, Vintage Design… is a way life. Sharing about Interior Design, Architecture, Antiques, History, Food,
Traveling, my life, my passions, and what intrigues me! We'll go everywhere...

I'm Jennifer a 44 year old, single and dating woman- happily reinventing my life.
Let's track back to January in 2009. I decided to go back to school for Interior Design and pursue a new career at 34. I went full-time, and it was a glorious 3 year process. I wanted a joyful, artistic career and a fiscally beneficial one, too; design was a no brainer.
Before Interior Design school, I had opened an Antique store in 2003, but I knew I had to leave that industry. In the middle of the program, my health took a major detour. I had my first of three shoulder surgeries, in a five year time span. Needless to say, recovery from the surgery, while in school, is crazy looking back on it. I carted design supplies in one hand, and had my other in a sling (for six weeks) I don't know what I was thinking?!!! And, my surgeries were on my writing hand (right-hand).
My second surgery occurred right after finishing the design program...literally two weeks after I graduated. I was finishing up difficult projects while dealing with chronic pain, going to the Doctor, and trying physical therapy before making the tough choice for a second surgery. I had the second surgery and all seemed to be going well until... I had another major health issue with my SI Joint. It's a long story, but suffice it to say, I had intense medical intervention, and it was a 3 year recovery.
Life was calming down (summer 2015), but then I started having shoulder pain again. By end of August, I knew I needed a third shoulder surgery. I was devastated, but I'd say more tired than anything else... literally, physically drained. Chronic pain definitely dulls the shine in your spirit/life. But, I had unknowingly created a strength within that was formidable.
While recovering from my third shoulder surgery, I found Instagram and a dream was born! Instagram provided a lot of solace and visual pleasure/distraction when I needed it most. Prior, I didn't use
Instagram much and didn't know much about it leading up to Fall 2016. I had a personal account, posted here and there, and enjoyed family and friends posts. Then, I noticed people had businesses, and voila, I listed a Fiber Art pillow in February 2016, and Judy from @atlantishome (one of my favorite accounts) bought it! I had been following her, and when I saw Sold in my comments section, I was ecstatic! I was hooked! Since then, I've found skincare, a purse, bed linens, kitchen items, been turned on to Collagen, fat balls, food recipes, Keto coffee and so much more on Instagram. I love supporting other businesses. I love the creativity and the people I follow. Most importantly, Instagram lifted me up in a really hard time in my life, a time when I didn't know whether I'd ever be pain free and be healthy again. Instagram lets us express ourselves, build friendships, build our businesses... I can't imagine a better platform. I think Instagram exploded, for the better, when videos and stories came in. It made all "my people" even better than what I had known
and seen through just posts.
All of this lead me to here and now (end of 2018/beginning 2019)… I didn't really know it at the time, but I guess that last surgery propelled me to where I am now. I meandered for awhile, not giving it
my all (lots of fear), but last summer 2018 I hired a business coach, and then serendipitously I hired Anastasia from @theidentitecollective (end of September). And here we are now, January of 2019, getting ready to launch the new re-branded, and re-done website, and I couldn’t be happier with my choice! I am closing in on a 1,000 followers, and I have so many goals, thoughts, dreams and notions to birth into the world. 2019 is going to be a year of growth for me! Expanding my design business: selling beautiful Oriental/Persian rugs (another long term goal, and new obsession) and refining and building my Instagram following. My goal is to bring beautiful, meaningful design into my clients lives. There's more I'm dreaming, but I'll reveal that in down the line. Right now, I tell myself, "Baby steps, Jennifer...baby steps".
This first blog is a meaningful step!
This blog and Instagram is our connection. I want you to know me, and trust me because I am providing a service. My purpose or “why” is to design beautiful homes, one step at a time, whether it be a consult for paint choices, which by the way is very tricky and art form in itself. Or, mock up a furniture plan, in person or online; help you figure out your style through video conferencing; hand select personalized art for you; select items from HomeGoods, if that is your style. The options for Designing together is limitless. I love antiques and hope to get you on board…had to sneak that in there! They are a unique addition to your home, and think about it, you're saving the planet.
Thanks for reading and learning about me.
